
Weekly Mix Masala

What's the story on HIV/AIDS and Indian youth?
The Viewspaper

Did Vanity Fair whitewash Slumdog Millionaire's Freida Pinto in the March issue?

A touching story by a previously homophobic Pakistani woman..."Learning from Harvey Milk: A Pakistani view!"
Pak Tea House

The teen soap Hollyoaks recently introduced its first Asian family-the Roys. Hunky Ravi Roy, played by Stephen Uppal, is bisexual in the soap, but his family is unaware of his sexuality.
Channel 4

Want a baby? Gay or straight, come to India, doc says.

Phone companies give transgendered task of repairing phones. Because everyone knows transpeople are good with their hands..?
Times of India

It only took a UK reality show and Oprah for gay Prince Manvendra Singh Gohil to start gaining respect his own townsfolk.
Times of India

Aware that they may be the next targets of Ram Sene, homosexuals join women in the fight to resist being bullied by straight men with narrow minds.
Hindustan Times

Funny Indian man turns gay for advertising! Definitely the WTF moment of the week..

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