
Kolkata Opens First Trans Shelter

A Kolkata NGO has recently opened a shelter for transsexual men. The home in the West Bengal city opens on the heels of the creation of a similar facility in Ahmedabad, that one directed towards elderly gay men.

People Like Us (Plus) has financed the project with the help of the United Nations Development Program (UNDP). Agniva Lahiri, founder of Plus, states that the home's "basic aim is to provide shelter to migrant transsexual males who come to the city to earn their livelihood." Plus will provide up to 15 days (and in some cases more) of free housing; residents will also gain access to medical care and counseling.

More and more of India's metropolises are paying attention to their trans community. The Government of Tamil Nadu recently constituted a separate welfare board for its transgendered population; the legislature is the first of its kind in India. It looks like the queer movement is spreading across the subcontinent, can you feel it?

Transsexuals to find a temporary shelter in Kolkata

Tamil Nadu constitutes welfare board for transgenders

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