
Anoop Dogg Hits American Idol

2009 seems to be bringing some much needed media attention to brown folk. First with Slumdog Millionaire's strong showing at the Golden Globes (now, up for 11 BAFTA nominations with Oscar noms to be announced next week), to Sanjay Gupta as Obama's possible Surgeon General pick, to American Idol's newest brown-skinned vocalist. Anoop Desai has a lovable nerd quality to him but packs a mean, soulful punch. Not easily confused with the gawky (and sometimes just awkward) Sanjaya, I have high hopes for Anoop Dogg. Check out the clip below for his AI audition!


NeroX2 said...

don't forget the Indian dancing on the Superstars of Dance television show either!

DIL said...
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Who I Am... said...

THANK GODDD... FINALLY A BETTER INDIAN TO REPRESENTATIVE...Thank God!!!! Finally we will get rid of Sanjaya's idiotness... finally!! did i forget to mention Desai = Guju = GUJU's REPRESENTING

Anonymous said...

Now I need someone to find me a man with that kind of voice, ha

Masala Mami said...

OMG, Anoop has some SERIOUS SOUL. Let's hope he gets through Hollywood and into the main competition. Now if I can only find a brown guy with that much soul my own age ;)