
Weekly Mix Masala

The Pink Mirror (Gulabi Aaina), a gay-themed spoof of Bollywood, finally gets a debut in India four years late, after being banned by critics
Solaris Pictures

Happy Hookers -- Documentarian Ashish Sawhny trails three men who moonlight as part-time sex workers in Mumbai, India.
FILMOUT: What not to miss

Pregnant Man Thomas Beatie Appears on Oprah. Click for clip of show.

McCain, Clinton, & Obama call on UK to stop deportation of gay Iranians

Anti-homophobia books removed from schools at the request of Muslim parents
UK's The Telegraph

A queer woman harshly criticizes India from an outsider's point of view

A rally for Sally Kern, who made the statement that "the homosexual agenda is destroying the [US] nation," draws more than 1,000 supporters

A member of the new group, The World Congress of Muslim Philanthropists, urges Muslims to donate towards HIV/AIDS causes. "[Although] ıt is associated wıth sexual promıscuıty and the gay lifestyle, which are anathema to Islam, the needs of AIDS victims in sub-Saharan Afrıca are too great to ignore."


Queers United said...

cool blog


Anonymous said...

can you believe how much negative press the pregnant man is getting? everyone is being so mean!

writing essay said...

I think a masala can either be a combination of dried spices, or a paste made from a mixture of spices and other ingredients—often garlic, ginger, onions and chilli paste