
Nepali Elections

Nepali elections took place yesterday, April 10th, and the results are "slowly trickling in." Only one constituency held an electronic vote, so it will take upto 10 days to learn the results. Nepal has been lauded for holding relatively peaceful elections admist concerns that April 10th would be a trigger for further civil unrest. An estimated 60% of the population participated in the elections (hey America, take notice!). This election is a turning point for the Nepali LGBT community since it's reported that 5 to 12 gays, lesbians, and hijras planned to run for seats. April 10 may mark the end of the throne of the monarchy and also a turning point for more human rights in Nepal. Holding these elections were part of the deal with the Maoists - however, there is concern that if the Maoists do not win a majority, new violence will ensue, espeically since they are suspected to be causing the minimal violence that has taken place.
Associated Press

picture taken from AFP

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